Researchers’ Night 2023, Jyväskylä
Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide scientific outreach event. In this edition of the Researchers’ Night in Jyväskylä, I was the main organizer of a series of scientific outreach lectures. Our event was called “Mathematics Meets Biology” (“Matematiikka Kohtaa Biologian” in Finnish) and had a very broad target audience from 2nd to 9th graders (ages 8-16) in the morning in Finnish, to the general public in English in the evening. My colleagues and I have therefore prepared three different versions (for younger children, for high schoolers, and for adults). With the help of wonderful Finnish language teachers at the University of Jyväskylä, as well as my colleagues, I translated the former two into Finnish, and also presented some of the material in Finnish, too! It was a very interesting challenge to tackle.