
I am a theoretical evolutionary biologist and work at Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES) of Universiy of Groningen, as a tenure-track assistant professor.

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I am broadly interested in applying theoretical approaches (mathematical modelling & computer simulation) to tackle different biological questions. I primarily work on cancer, ageing, life history evolution, and cultural evolution. More information about my research can be found here, and please see here for the list of my publications.


I teach a variety of courses, covering both modelling approaches (e.g. Evolutionary Theory, Programming C++ for Biologists), and different aspects of evolutionary biology (e.g. Evolutionary Medicine: Diseases of Affluence, Evolutionary Processes). I also take an active role in teaching organisation as a member of the BSc Biology Programme Committee at the University of Groningen. For an overview of my current and past teaching, please see here.


I am passionate about dissemination of science, both in academic and public contexts. I have participated in various public outreach events, an overview can be found here.